
How To Become A Psychiatrist In Bitlife

There are different jobs you can apply for in the medical field. In Bitlife, you can become a brain surgeon, family physician, physical therapist, and psychiatrist. To become a psychiatrist, you must complete medical school. To get into this school, you must have high smarts and have a degree in chemistry, biology, psychology, physics, or nursing.

Having High Smarts

Medical school requires a character to have high smarts stat. If you have low smarts, you can improve this stat by;

Visiting the public library: when you go to the library, this stat might improve depending on your enjoyment. This method is ineffective for boosting the smarts stat.

Finding a good book: there are varieties of books you can read, such as autobiographies, non-fiction, self-help, children’s picture books, etc. Some have less than 50 pages, while some have over 1000 pages. Children’s picture books like “if you give a mouse a cookie” and “the giving tree” have fewer pages and a massive effect on the smarts stat.

Seeing a documentary: you can also go to the movie theatre and see a documentary. If you can’t find a documentary to watch, age up, then try again. However, this option has little effect on your smarts.

Applying To University

After graduating from high school, apply to the university and major in psychology, physics, biology, chemistry, or nursing. Any of these majors will qualify you for medical school. If you don’t find any of these majors, close the game and reopen it to refresh the list. When you enrol in university, improve your grades, join extracurricular activities and a sorority or fraternity to get a scholarship for medical school.

Applying To Medical School

When you graduate from University, apply to medical school if you have smarts of at least 80%. Going to medical school is expensive. After applying, you may apply for a scholarship, ask your parents to pay, apply for a student loan, or pay with cash if you can afford it. Your parent’s generosity determines whether they will agree to pay your tuition. If this stat is low, they will refuse to pay. With god mode, you can adjust their generosity stat from a scale of 0-100%. Medical school takes seven years to complete. If you take a student loan to pay for medical school, get a part-time job to avoid a negative bank balance.

Becoming A Psychiatrist

After completing medical school, apply for the entry position of Jr. Psychiatrist. Answer the interview question correctly to get the job. You can improve your job performance to get promoted to a psychiatrist, then Sr. Psychiatrist. Working harder and adjusting your hours will improve your performance. Always pay attention to your stress level to avoid having high blood pressure.

The Sr. Psychiatrist position is the highest in this career. After working for 20 years, you will collect a psychiatrist career.

The psychiatrist job is one of the highest-paying careers in Bitlife. To become a psychiatrist, you must have high smarts, choose any of the majors listed above in university, apply to medical school, and get a job as a Jr. Psychiatrist.