Roblox Star Codes (September 2024)

05/01/2023Following are some known and functioning codes:

Code Reward Status Release
3SB Games3sbworking10/05/2023
440HP 440hpworking10/05/2023
Aati PlaysAatiworking10/05/2023
Abbaok Abbaokworking10/05/2023
AbsintoJ ABJworking10/05/2023
AidanGamerHD Aidanworking10/05/2023
Alex Craftedworking10/05/2023
Aline GamesAlineGamesworking10/05/2023
Alonezinho XAlonezinhoworking10/05/2023
Alles Ava GamingAvaworking10/05/2023
AlphaGG AlphaGG working10/05/2023
AlvinBlox AlvinBlox working10/05/2023
Amberry Amberry working10/05/2023
Amy LeeAmyworking10/05/2023
Andre NicholasAndreworking10/05/2023
Angelazz Angelsworking10/05/2023
AnielicA AnielicA working10/05/2023
Anix Anix working10/05/2023
Annoying Orange GamingTootyFruitworking10/05/2023
Ant Ant working10/05/2023
Ant AntixxAntixxworking10/05/2023
ApplyingTM TM working10/05/2023
Argo PlayArgoworking10/05/2023
Armenti Armenti working10/05/2023
AshleyBunni Bunni working10/05/2023
Ashleyosity Ashleyworking10/05/2023
AshleyTheUnicorn Unicorn working10/05/2023
AtlasZero AtlasZero working10/05/2023
Avocado PlayzAvocadoworking10/05/2023
Awhxliv Livworking10/05/2023
Axiore Axiore working10/05/2023
Ayzria Ayzria working10/05/2023
Baconhair OriginalsBaconhairworking10/05/2023
Bananinha Delaniworking10/05/2023
bandi bandiworking10/05/2023
Bandites Banditesworking10/05/2023
Balekta07 Baletka07working10/05/2023
Baxtrix Baxtrix working10/05/2023
BeaPlays Beaworking10/05/2023
Bebe MiloBebeMiloworking10/05/2023
Benni Benniworking10/05/2023
Benx Benx working10/05/2023
Betroner y NoangyBYNworking10/05/2023
BiaGamer BiaGamerworking10/05/2023
BiancaNayi BiancaNayiworking10/05/2023
Biel HenriqueBielworking10/05/2023
bigbst4tz2 BIGB2working10/05/2023
BigDadT Cloverworking10/05/2023
BIGHEAD bigheadworking10/05/2023
BitSquid BitSquid working10/05/2023
Blah SquadIcyworking10/05/2023
Blam SpotBlamworking10/05/2023
Blue BlobBLOBworking10/05/2023
BlueBug Blueworking10/05/2023
Bluxxy GamingBluxxyworking10/05/2023
BolzarX Bolzworking10/05/2023
Bonnie BuildsTulipsworking10/05/2023
Bubbles bubblesworking10/05/2023
Builderboy TVBuilderboyworking10/05/2023
Buur Buur working10/05/2023
BramP BramP working10/05/2023
Brancoala GamesBrancoalaworking10/05/2023
BREN0RJ BREN0RJ working10/05/2023
BriannaPlayz Briannaworking10/05/2023
Brincando com a Keke Keke working10/05/2023
BrittanyPlays Brittanyworking10/05/2023
Bv0j Beeveeworking10/05/2023
ByDerank ByDerank working10/05/2023
callmehhaley CMHworking10/05/2023
Calixo Calixo working10/05/2023
Canal CahcildisCahcildisworking10/05/2023
Captainly Capworking10/05/2023
Captain CapiCapiworking10/05/2023
CaptainTate21 Captainworking10/05/2023
Carakuchi kuchiworking10/05/2023
Carbon Meister PlaysCarbonworking10/05/2023
Cari Cari working10/05/2023
Carol TVCarolTVworking10/05/2023
CatFer CatFer working10/05/2023
Catypink JuegaCatypinkworking10/05/2023
Caylus Caylusworking10/05/2023
Ceeberry Ceeberryworking10/05/2023
Celestial RobloxCelestialworking10/05/2023
Cerority Ceroworking10/05/2023
Cerso Cerso working10/05/2023
Cheo PowerCheoPowerworking10/05/2023
CherryAhrizona CherryBabyworking10/05/2023
ChillzCx Chillzworking10/05/2023
Chocoblox Chocoblox working10/05/2023
Chrisandthemike Chrisatmworking10/05/2023
Christocream Creamworking10/05/2023
Chrisu GamingChrisuworking10/05/2023
cKev cKev working10/05/2023
Claus Clausofcworking10/05/2023
Cleanse BeamCleanworking10/05/2023
Comfy SundayCutelyworking10/05/2023
Complex RobloxComplexworking10/05/2023
Cookie CutterCANDYworking10/05/2023
Conor3D Conor3Dworking10/05/2023
corny corny working10/05/2023
Cortesgo Chidoriworking10/05/2023
Cosmic Cosmicworking10/05/2023
CQQP cqqpworking10/05/2023
CraftedRL Craftedworking10/05/2023
Craxel craxelworking10/05/2023
CrazyErzy CrazyErzyworking10/05/2023
CrystalSims Crystalworking10/05/2023
Curtified Curtworking10/05/2023
Cute Cookie GamingCuteCookieworking10/05/2023
Cybernova Cybernovaworking10/05/2023
Daffa SuperDaffaworking10/05/2023
DandanPH Dandanworking10/05/2023
Danny JesdenDannyworking10/05/2023
DaPanda GirlPandaWandaworking10/05/2023
DatBrian DatBrianworking10/05/2023
Daylin's FunHouseFunSquadworking10/05/2023
deathvanessa Deathworking10/05/2023
DeeterPlays DeeterPlayworking10/05/2023
Devoun Mangoworking10/05/2023
DefildPlays Defildworking10/05/2023
DeGoBloX Degoworking10/05/2023
Denis Denisworking10/05/2023
Dexter PlayzDexterworking10/05/2023
DfieldMark DfieldMarkworking10/05/2023
DigitizedPixels Digiworking10/05/2023
Digito PlaysDigitoworking10/05/2023
Digopollo Polloworking10/05/2023
DimerDillon DIMERworking10/05/2023
Divine Divineworking10/05/2023
DogBon62 DogBonworking10/05/2023
DOLLASTIC PLAYS!Dollasticworking10/05/2023
Dom Domworking10/05/2023
Dr LabaLabaworking10/05/2023
Draconite DragonDracoworking10/05/2023
Dragonplatinum Dragonworking10/05/2023
DV PlaysDVworking10/05/2023
elemperadormaxiyt Emperadorworking10/05/2023
El MagnumElMagnumworking10/05/2023
El TrollinoTrollinoworking10/05/2023
elDanielGT DanielGTworking10/05/2023
Elite Eworking10/05/2023
elitelupus eliteworking10/05/2023
Ephicsea Ephicseaworking10/05/2023
Elemental Elemental working10/05/2023
Elyas360 elyasworking10/05/2023
Emily vs Evelyn GamingEandEworking10/05/2023
EmpireBlox EmpireBloxworking10/05/2023
ErikCarr ErikCarrworking10/05/2023
ErnieC3 ErnieC3working10/05/2023
Euri WingsEuriworking10/05/2023
Evanbear1 EB1working10/05/2023
EYYCHEEV Stronkworking10/05/2023
Fadedplayz Fadedworking10/05/2023
Faeglow Glowworking10/05/2023
FancySmash Fancyworking10/05/2023
FakerUp fakerupworking10/05/2023
FanaticalLight Fanaticworking10/05/2023
Fer999 Ferworking10/05/2023
Fera Ferabuxworking10/05/2023
FGTeeV FGTEEVworking10/05/2023
Fini JuegaFiniworking10/05/2023
Fishy Fishy working10/05/2023
Flamingo Flamingoworking10/05/2023
Flashii Flashii working10/05/2023
Flebsy Flebsy working10/05/2023
Flexer97YT Otakuworking10/05/2023
Flxral Flxral working10/05/2023
Flyborg Flyborg working10/05/2023
FoamyBubbles Foamyworking10/05/2023
Foncri Foncri working10/05/2023
ForeverSparks Sparksworking10/05/2023
Fraser2TheMax F2TMworking10/05/2023
Frenchrxses Roseworking10/05/2023
Frite Frite working10/05/2023
FUDZ FUDZ working10/05/2023
FunnyBunny bunnyworking10/05/2023
FunPiggy Piggyworking10/05/2023
Furious JumperFuriousworking10/05/2023
FusionZGamer Fusionworking10/05/2023
Futura Futura working10/05/2023
Gaby gamerGabyworking10/05/2023
GallantGaming Gallantworking10/05/2023
Gamer HexapodHexapodworking10/05/2023
Gamer Kawaiikawaiiworking10/05/2023
GamerNom GamerNomworking10/05/2023
GamingMermaid Mermaidworking10/05/2023
GamingWithKev GWKFamilyworking10/05/2023
GamingwithVYT Vworking10/05/2023
Geko97 Otakuworking10/05/2023
GianBlox GianBloxworking10/05/2023
GH0KS GH0KSworking10/05/2023
GhostInTheCosmos Ghostworking10/05/2023
Glitch Glitch working10/05/2023
Godstatus Statusworking10/05/2023
GoingLimited GOINGworking10/05/2023
GoldenGlare Goldworking10/05/2023
GonGon GonGonworking10/05/2023
gorygaming24601 Goryworking10/05/2023
grace kgracekworking10/05/2023
GraserPlays graserworking10/05/2023
GroovyDominoes52 Groovyworking10/05/2023
Gunslaya Gunworking10/05/2023
HandN HandNworking10/05/2023
hannahlovescows Cowsworking10/05/2023
haramics haramworking10/05/2023
Heorua Heoworking10/05/2023
Heyhana Hanaworking10/05/2023
HeyItsJames Jamesworking10/05/2023
Hey MistyMistyworking10/05/2023
HeyRosalina Rosalinaworking10/05/2023
hey santHeySantworking10/05/2023
HelloItsVG VGworking10/05/2023
HappyBlack happyblackworking10/05/2023
Hoops the BeeHoopsworking10/05/2023
HW5567 HW5567 working10/05/2023
Hxyila Hxyilaworking10/05/2023
Hyper Hyper working10/05/2023
I_lovejava Javaworking10/05/2023
iAirRon Airworking10/05/2023
iamSanna iamSanna working10/05/2023

What Is A Star Code?

Roblox is dedicated to helping Video Stars and influencers to expand their businesses and earn more money. The Star code makes it simple to show your support for your favorite Video Stars at no cost to you.

Roblox Video Stars is a program for the most talented Roblox video artists. Roblox offers Video Stars perks and tools to help them connect with their followers and grow their businesses.

SOURCE: Jeenius

The Roblox Star Code is a distinctive code obtained from a Roblox Video Stars member. When you use a Star Code to help a Video Star, they will receive 5% of your Robux purchase on the Roblox website. You’ll still get the full amount of Robux you paid for, plus the satisfaction of knowing you helped out your favorite Video Star!

Benefits of Roblox Star Codes

You can help and promote your Video Start while buying Roblox Start Codes. As mentioned above, they will be receiving 5% of your Robux investment, and they can also be converted into US dollars!

How to Redeem Roblox Star Codes?

SOURCE: Jeenius

While making a transaction, enter the Star code linked with your favorite Roblox Video Star on the purchase page. Video Stars will promote their Star codes on their Roblox profiles, group sites, and social media platforms, such as YouTube, Twitter, and others!

SOURCE: Jeenius

Through the use of a web browser:

  • Go to the Robux or Membership pages and choose the amount of Robux or Membership you want to buy.
  • After that, it will take you to the payment option selection page.
  • Click here to access the code entry window and enter your favorite Roblox Video Star code.
  • Add your code after you’ve entered it.
  • The individual you’re supporting will be displayed on the page when the code is accepted.

SOURCE: Jeenius

Using the App:

  • Make a note of your preferred Roblox Video Star code. To find the Star Code field, go to the Membership page and scroll to the bottom of the page.
  • To open the code entering the window, press Tap Here.
  • Add your code after you’ve entered it.
  • The individual you’re supporting will be displayed on the page when the code is accepted.

SOURCE: Jeenius

You won’t have to re-enter your code each time you make a purchase because it will be saved for two weeks once you’ve added it to the app or web browser.

You can check the official Instagram handle of the game @Roblox. You can get regular updates about the game features and secret codes on the account.

Why use a Star Code?

When purchasing Robux, using a Star Code is a terrific way to show your support for your favorited Roblox video content developer. There is no additional expense, yet you have helped an excellent influencer expand their business. As a result, there’s no reason you shouldn’t utilize code to participate in the engagement.

What is the Star Code group?

The Star Code (also known as a Video Code, Star Creator Code, Creator Code, and Video Star Creator Code) is a feature introduced on April 29, 2019. Its major goal is to promote and support the Roblox Video Stars Program.

Every Roblox creator with a Star Code is a Video Stars Roblox organization member. However, this group is very exclusive and private, and not everyone can be a part of the same.

A star code is not given to all Roblox YouTubers who participate in the Star Program.

It is also associated with many criticisms. Being a Star Program-only feature, the Star Code has been criticized for being exclusive to Star Program content creators. Individuals who do make Roblox video material are unable to have a code made to advertise themselves.

Star code FAQ

There’re a lot of common questions about this program. Let’s know them in detail!

1. How to get a Star Code?

As a Roblox video content creator, you must first be invited to join the Roblox Video Stars program in order to receive a Star Code. To do so, you must meet the following basic requirements:

Roblox videos have received a total of 10,000,000 views. The average number of views per Roblox video is 25,000. On the channel, there are 100,000 followers/subscribers.

2. How to get a Free Robux?

Don’t want to spend any money on Robux and instead obtain them for free or at a discount? Then use Coupert, a free and legitimate browser plugin that lets you know whether there are any available promo codes when you buy Robux or anything else. It compares them all to discover the best deal for you and then applies it to you.

You have to download the extension (which is accessible for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox and isn’t limited to specific locations). Then go to or another website and add whatever you want. The extension will notify you if any coupons are available when you’re checking out.

Then click Apply Coupons, and it will automatically test and apply the best deal for you. If you don’t see any alerts, simply click the extension in the top-right corner to see all of the available discount codes. Even if no codes are available, Coupert can still help you save money by allowing you to earn cash back.

You can also get $20 if you invite your family or friends to use this browser extension. That’s a total of more than $40!

3. Why is buying Robux not working?

The maintenance message occurred on October 29, 2021, that was for the first time in two years. This is why Roblox’s login and game status aren’t working. It occurred as a result of a technical fault with the majority of the game’s server components. According to Roblox CEO David Baszucki, the problem was caused by a tiny issue in the data center’s fundamental technology, which was created by the expanding number of servers.

“We’re making things more fantastic,” the current maintenance page claims as of late 2021. “I’ll be back soon.” Another alternative is a six-button editable text box that spells out “ROBLOX.” Any of these buttons will result in an inconclusive form being submitted. They performed the same thing in previous editions of the maintenance page. The alternative choice, on the other hand, only provides the image.

Builders Club, Premium, and Robux cannot be purchased during maintenance times. A new banner may emerge warning Roblox users that they would be unable to conduct any real-world transactions on the platform. Players may be able to teleport to different games/locations during maintenance without experiencing a connectivity issue. According to their instructions, all servers must be down within a few minutes of the maintenance team’s announcements.

4. How many days do you have to wait to buy Robux?

There is a high chance that Robux will appear immediately after the purchase. But in a few cases, it may take some time as pending. Sometimes it may vary with the amount of Robux purchased. But generally, the pending period is between 3 to 7 days. Roblox offers an amazing support system, and you can claim a report if your Robux is not showing up within 7 days of purchase.

Make sure you have checked the transaction history because there are chances that your transaction may have failed.